Back in April we were successful in obtaining a fabulous object at auction. It arrived last week and we were thrilled with our purchase. The item in question is a GWR Hotels copper saucepan. It sounds very ordinary, but it is the first object of its kind that we have at STEAM.
The kitchens on carriages, in stations and hotels were an integral part of the GWR dining service provision. It would have been a hive of activity with chefs preparing 5 course meals, sometimes in tiny confined spaces, for large amounts of people. The copper saucepans were very heavy and would have been even heavier filled with water or vegetables. It must have been a tough job working as a chef for the GWR, especially in a dimly lit kitchen carriage, swaying and lurching from station to station. Not for the weak or faint hearted!
GWR Chef preparing food in a cramped kitchen carriage - note the saucepan on the left |